Version 1.8.6 - fixed mobile detection issue Version 1.8.5 - added shortcodes to embed the like box, comment box, post box to the content with [likebox_facebook_comment_slider_embed], [postbox_facebook_comment_slider_embed], [facebook_comment_slider_embed] - added align parameter to the shortcodes (align="left" or align="center") - added Minify Scripts option to the General Settings Version 1.8.4 - reconstructed administration area - added Custom CSS page on admin - added Manual ZIP Updater on admin Version 1.8.3 - fixed comments issue on Android device Version 1.8.2 - major performance increase - added apply home page style to all page feature - minor bugfixes Version 1.8.1 - added option to include the plugin on posts only - updated documentation Version 1.8 - added keep settings option to make updates easier - added optional email notification to facebook comments Version 1.7.4 - fixed minor bug with cookies Version 1.7.3 - added PSD files of Facebook Icons - fixed heartbeat effect compatibility issue - slightly increased width of the opened slider on mobile - fixed custom image issue Version 1.7.1 - fixed duplicated Facebook Initialization issue, when you using other Facebook Plugin - major performance update Version 1.7 - major performance update - added init, destroy, hide, show, resize, remove methods - added openlikebox, opencommentbox, openpostbox methods - added closelikebox, closecommentbox, closepostbox, close (last opened) methods - added functions to open or close any slider box with simply defining a specified class to any HTML element (like fcs_open_commentbox) - added heartbeat effect - sliders content now always fit to the parent container (better view) - added option to hide LikeBox if the user already liked - added preloader to all sliders - added feauture to handle skins - added new skin: minimal - replaced close button to close image - updated documentation - added developers section to documentation - removed shortcodes from feed Version 1.6.5 - fixed displaying shortcodes on mobile issue - disable sliders on login, 404 and registration pages - added option to display the comment box on all pages, only posts, only pages or both of pages and posts - fixed bug, when using custom icon - added disable on mobile option - fixed blank comment box when visitor coming from shared urls on Facebook Version 1.6.4 - fixed minor visibility issue on Comment Slider and Fan Page Wall - hotfix for FireFox with right sided setup Version 1.6.3 - fixed Facebook Wall Posts minor visibility issue Version 1.6.2 - fixed likebox open-close slider bug in Firefox - fixed close after left a comment bug in Firefox - optimized Facebook initialization Version 1.6.1 - improved animation effect when open the Facebook Slider Version 1.6 - vertical position option to the icon - added Like Box - added Facebook Fan Page Wall - added two additional shortcodes to display Like Box and Facebook Fan Page Posts - added option to turn Comment Slider to Like Box or Fan Page Wall on the homepage - replaced Facebook icons - added 5 new tabs on admin to manage settings for Like Box, Comment Box and Fan Page Wall - minified and obfuscated javascript code (included original) - fixed minor visibility bug when the slider placed on the left side - documentation updated Version 1.5.5 - fixed chrome visibility issue - fixed blank slider in few cases, when using it with other facebook plugins Version 1.5.2 - minor improvements on shake animation effect Version 1.5.1 - improved animation effects Version 1.5 - added option to disable the Facebook Comment Slider on the entire page and enable on a specified page with the [enable_facebook_comment_slider] shortcode (include to anywhere in the content or in the template) - added option to disable or set time to the shake effect - minor speed improvements on the front side of the slider Version 1.4.1 - minor improvements, css positioning Version 1.4 - added dark style - added a shake effect to the icon until the comment slider not open - added animation to display the Facebook icon - you can use your custom url to replace the Facebook logo for your own image - fixed: doesn't open the slider at the bottom of the page again, after a user already opened before - minor improvements on mobile view Version 1.3 - added lightweight scrollbar to view older comments - added [disable_facebook_comment_slider] short code to disable the slider on any page or post - replaced jQuery 1.9.1 to 1.8.3 to avoid conflicts with older templates or plugins - modified live preview url Version 1.2 (20-07-2013) - minor bugfix and improvements on frontend Version 1.1 (17-07-2013) - fixed minor visibility bug - don't display the timer, when the slider is closeable