[R2Radio Ep.2 再放送]
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次のEp.2再放送日は7月20日(金)お昼12時(日本時間) からです!
DJ PMXの30年間のキャリアや新譜MVまで盛りだくさんでお送り します♪
R2 RADIO will be Re-Broadcasting our interview with Japanese west coast hip-hop Pioneer, DJ PMX!
Dj Pmx stopped by the show to talk about his current projects, his story and to celebrate 30 years of being in the music business.
If you missed the original air date, Then be sure to tune in for this fun and exciting interview on the Pharcyde tv network.
Airtime info below! 📺🎬🇯🇵️🎬🎛️
Japan: July. 20 (Fri)12:00(JST)
USA: July. 19 (Thur)20:00 (PDT)~
Broadcasting source:(PharcydeTV)
https://pharcydetv.com/ or download “The
Pharcyde official App” and watch it on your phones.
(Android & IOS)