Tonight at 10 pm on Pharcyde TV/CydeLife Radio catch
Sheree Brown aka Love Mestiza
Sheree Brown is a Woman of many colors.
She is a writer, poet, Afrofuturist, artivist, educator
and mother.
Her passions reside in working with plants, youth, and women all across the spectrum. She dances with the cosmos, and writes the future of her people in her spare time, no big deal.
She is an herbalist, and is rooted in traditional indigenous medicine of her mixed ancestry. Her medicine is a direct reflection of her roots, with ancestors guiding the way.
She is an advocate for and believes in:
Reproductive Justice. Restorative Justice. Womb-wellness. Healing. Herbalism. Natural & Ancestral Medicine. Ancestral Healing. Healing from Trauma. Seeds: Collecting and Preserving. Nutrition. Food as Medicine. Food Justice. LGBTQ Rights. Birth Work. Empowerment. Embodiment. Evolution.