Re broadcast Firme Radio EP.32 w/Lucy, Paris Paul and DJ Jonney Miles..Splendid Radio EP.35 w/ BlackShakeSphere, Ta’Raach & Coultrain

Join us tonight for the Re Broadast of #FirmeRadio on Pharcydetv / Channel Z  w/ @lucydarling27, @djparispaul & @djjonneymiles on the turntables.
Tonight starting at 8pm PST check out our topics in the #hiphopheadlines , plus it was Yeezy’s bday so you know we bumped some of our favorite Kanye tracks!
#pharcydetv #lucysarabia #djparispaul #djjonneymiles #music #hiphop #fb

After Firme Radio Splendid Radio is coming your way hosted by TaRaach and with special guests Coultrain & Black Shakesphere discuss art, upcoming releases and artists diet. Cheese and eggs being a pescatarian, Book Publishing And the new Big Boi album.
